Affidavit Services
Alzameli Legal Services is a paralegal firm in the city of Ottawa. As a licensed paralegal in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario we are licensed in taking affidavits and administering legal oaths, affirmations, or declarations in the province of Ontario.
What is an Affidavit?
An Affidavit is a written statement of fact made under oath, a legal document which would be used in a potential legal matter. An affidavit is asserted as being true by either making an affirmation or swearing under oath. This is done in the presence of a commissioner of taking affidavits, who will affix their stamp to the Affidavit and sign it. The commissioner is there to administer and witness the swearing of oaths or affirmations in the taking of the affidavit and is not responsible for the truth of the contents. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, there are very harsh penalties for making a false Affidavit or Statutory Declaration.

Why do I need an Affidavit?
Affidavits can be used in providing evidence for court proceedings or making an affirmation, declaration, acknowledgement, examination or attestation for the purposes of court proceedings. An Affidavit may also be required if you were to make an administrative request with the government. Generally, a Statutory Declaration is used in place of an Affidavit when there is no legal requirement for an Affidavit, but you still need to establish a legal right.
How do I obtain an Affidavit?

If you need a document commissioned, we, can assist you. We will require your unsigned document(s) and a piece of government issued ID.
You may contact our office to book an appointment and/or further inquire about this service.
Please note that documents cannot be commissioned virtually; you must be physically present with our commissioner when signing the documents.
At Alzameli Legal Services, we are happy to provide this service to you at a reasonable price. Call us to today to book your appointment.
Any information provided on this website is not considered legal advice and is being presented in order to address the services we provide to the public. If you require legal advice regarding the information provided on this website, please book an appointment through our contact form online or by calling us at 613-680-4656.